App-V 5 publishing error (Return code: 0x59701907 – 0xb)
When publishing an App-V 5 application, on the client during or after a publishing refresh, the application is not available on the client. The following error appears in the event viewer under the MicrosoftApp-V section: Return code: 0x59701907 – 0xb
In my case this occurred, because the %appdata% and %localappdata% variables were not available. This happened because the mandatory profile I was using missed the AppData and Local AppData values in the registry under HKCUSoftwareMicrosoftWindowsCurrentVersionExplorerUser Shell Folders. Check if the values exist. If they don’t, create them and point them to the correct locations in the user profile.
AppData –> %USERPROFILE%AppDataRoaming
Local AppData –> %USERPROFILE%AppDataLocal