Tagged: user-environment-manager

VMworld Europe 2019: My Personal Recap

On 4 November 2019, it was that time of the year again. VMworld Europe in Barcelona. Again, this year my employer, Login Consultants, gave me the opportunity to travel to the south of Europe for this amazing event, for the third time in a row. A couple of weeks ago I already looked forward to going to VMworld. It is...

VMware UEM 9.5 introduces the VMware Marketplace for templates

To start, let me be clear about the UEM abbreviation in this blog post. The abbreviation UEM is used for both Unified Endpoint Management and User Environment Manager. I am solely writing about User Environment Manager in this blog post. šŸ˜‰ Ever since I work with VMware UEM (Immidio Flex+ and Flex Profiles before that), I always liked the simplicity...